Kamis, 11 Juli 2013

Late for Update ~ Tuesday, 9 July 2013

Today, is Tuesday. Yesterday is Monday, and I don`t know yesterday is the good day or not! Semalam semua calon mahasiswa baru lagi wanti-wanti apakah mereka lulus atau gak. Diantara "mereka" ada AKU ~ Indri Hana Maria yang juga tengah was-was dalam menunggu pengumuman semalam. Aku berharap aku LULUS di Universitas Sumatera Utara di fakultas Teknologi Informasi, tetapi keberuntungan lagi gak berpihak padaku. Aku membuka internet, membuka pengumuman.sbmptn.or.id, memasukkan nomor pesertaku dan juga mengisi tanggal lahir ku. Aku berharap tulisannya "ANDA DITERIMA DI SBMPTN 2013" bukan "ANDA BELUM DITERIMA DI SBMPTN 2013". Aku mencoba gak menangis, aku ngerasa kalo tadi tulisannya aku lulus aku mungkin juga nangis, karna bagiku it`s a MIRACLE.
Seraya lagi nunggu loading yang lama banget karna pada berebut buka pengumuman, ditab lain aku membuka twitter dan di timeline twitter begitu banyak sukacita yang aku baca. Aada yang masuk di ITB, UNDIP, and they`re happy NOT LIKE ME! I`m back to my home, I just talk to my heart that I must strong. I pray to Jesus, and I say THANKS FOR EVERYTHING JESUS. Aku ngerasa TUHAN udah punya rencana indah buat aku. Di sisi lain memang sedih, tapi mau gak mau harus semangat dan I CAN! But, i don`t know about my father and mother -,"
Seharian itu bisa dikatakan aku merasa bersyukur atas keputusan TUHAN Yesus, karna bagiku Dia sedang merencanakan yang lebih besar dari apa yang aku rancangkan. Semalaman aku sms`an sama anggina, dan handphone ku juga penuh dengan inbox yang menanyakan "LULUS NDRI?" SHY yeah but DON`T BE SHY J You know my answer : "Puji Tuhan, gak lulus :`) Jesus will give the best for me. I believe :D" So this is my half conversation with anggina putri pane J

Indri : Gina, you`re not alone. We same :) You`re lucky girl honey, you still have polmed :D FIGHTING!
Gina : So deep.
Gina : God always know what I feel now, maybe miracle doesn`t come this year :`) Just patient, keep calm, and study hard, u must keep strong, life must go on, u could strong like a monster if u want it
Indri : Amen, in my mind now just surrender, trust, and patient. I know, GOD always listen my pray, GOD always look my tears, and my hope. I will be strong, i swear. But, doesn`t like monster, like princess you know hahah :))
Gina : Monster is strong, do the best and catch what did he want, he always care and know about his pain.
Indri : Yeah, it`s strong but arrogant i don`t want it :p He is GOD? You must use capital letter you know (likesastragirl) HAHAH hon, please save this our conversation & upload to our twitter :))
Gina : :)) monster have much tears before he becomes a monster and then princess or hero comes to change him to be best person, I think someday we will get it, get same experience like monster :)
Indri : I`m sorry, i`m headache. He is monster. Oh GOSH, i`m sorry GOD
Gina : He is monster,not GOD -,-
Indri : Hahah i know :p gina, what do u think about me? I can strong, but my daddy doesn`t. He say to me that i arrogant. What my false?
Gina : Nobody knows what our feels and our parents too..
Indri : Ya, but please don`t like this. NOW, i feel i just really want meet my Real Father in Heaven (GOD). I wanna say to GOD, i just surrender to YOU dad
Gina : I<3ur spirit best :* But i can`t hide my sadness
Indri : Me too honey, but i just can hold His promise to me. I believe, He was plan my beautiful future :)
Gina : Amiin, aminn, I believe we will success with our tears
Indri : Exactly, we will success with our pray and our amazing God? Right? Hahah
Gina : That`s right:`)
Indri : Don`t be laugh ;) *nangislemot. Tepok jidat. When you can teach me? Maybe, i will get polmed exam :)
Gina : I can`t sist. I must work :( my family have much trouble, because it, I have more sadness cause I couldn`t been proud them:`more againn
Indri : Work? What are you doing? I pray for your family trouble. Me too, i really want to make my parents proud. But i don`t know how
Gina : Yes, i must save money to pay my parents money:( We can do it :(
Indri : Gina, we`re really same. But i believe, tomorrow we can get back they`re money but not money they`re want. So, now you work?
Gina : Yes, I work with my mom sell ice drink, and I must sell t-shirt yeah that`s my brother`s business, but he is give it to me
Indri : Honey, i proud of you, really. God always see you, and you will be the best girl. Always hope to Him yaa. Success for your work :) Sorry if my english is complicated haha
Gina : My english is so bad :( I proud of u too, u can smile in this situation, they are can smile cause pass the exam, but u can smile in our failed, we must be more than them ! God please hearing our pray, take us in ur best choice
Indri : I can smile & strong because i have reliance, but i don`t know what are my parents feeling. I feel, they`re dissapointed to me. Now, in my home i feel my dad like a different people huhuh
Gina : I think u can stay in usual activity, don`t be sad, cause they don`t know, if u silent until u can speak to them,
Indri : Okay. We must praying each other ya beibs. We are lucky girl because God`s love us :) What`re you doing now? Uuh, now i`m headache because crying wkwk
Gina : Same, I gonna have a bad mood:(( just try to silent in the crying
Indri : Keep spirit beibs :* you wanna get sleep?
Gina : I think u must sleep now, okay ,, get rest please indri ({})

Selanjutnya terus menerus saling mensupport, dan akhirnya pertanyaan kitapun melenceng kepada suatu sosok HANDSOME JUDGES in MASTERCHEF INDONESIA 3 yeah ~ Chef ARNOLD PURNOMO (",")


Jumat, 10 Februari 2012

“Keep away from people who try to belittle your ambitions. Small people always do that, but the really great make you feel that you, too, can become great.”

Jumat, 27 Januari 2012

Kamis, 26 Januari 2012

Welcome 2012 :)

Syaloom all,

Hehehe, udah lama banget kalo dipikir-pikir gak buka nih blog. Sorry daah bukan sombong, tapi ndak sempat hahaha :)) Pertama banget bersyukur sama Tuhan Yesus karna udah ngiringi setiap langkahku di tahun 2011. Pengen di tahun 2012 tahun Perkenanan Tuhan ini menjadi orang, anak, sahabat, yang lebih baik lagi gegegeg Yaaa ndaak apa-apa lah sekarang baru ngucapin MERRY CHRISTMAS 2011 & HAPPY NEW YEAR 2012. Setidaknya baru 26 hari memasuki tahun 2012, masih ada 340 hari lagi kok cuy buat masuki tahun yang baru baru baru lagi wkwkwkw =))

Ngomong-ngomong soal 26 hari sih, today is My Lovely MOm birthday L.J.Hutabarat looo hahaha. 26 January 1965 – 26 January 2012 cieeeh 47th wkwkwk (˘˘) Happy Birthday maa, semoga panjang umur dan sehat selalu. Pengen banget jadi anak yang bisa banggain mama dan aku yakin itu IYA dan AMIN. Ya Tuhan, selalu berkati mamaku. SHE`S MY WONDER WOMAN IN MY LIFE (˘з(˘˘ )

26-1=25 January 2012 itu kak CHRISTINA VERAWATY HUTABARAT
birthday. Happy birthday sistah, semoga panjang umur dan sehat selalu. Semoga skripsinya diperlancar, menjadi orang sukses & lebih lebih lebih, relationship with bg`w12n diperlancar AMIN velaw12n gitu looooohhhh wkwkkw (ˇˇ) Okelah, indri juga mau ngucapin buat semua yang berulang tahun dari tanggal 1 january 2012 sampe 26 january 2012 ini semoga panjang umur dan sehat selalu. Kayak dibilang anak zaman wyatb (wish you all the best) gegege :p Tuhan Berkati .......................

Kamis, 02 Juni 2011


Heyhoo and Syaloom all,

Thursday, 2 June 2011. I want talk about LOVE TRIANGLE. Langsung ajaa, pasti dari sebagian orang ada yg udah pernah ngerasain yang namanya cinta segitiga *(kecuali sayaa, sayaa belom pacaran soalnya heheh) apalagi kalo denger lagu Frente-Bizzare Love Triangle, pasti udah pada denger semua lagu itu. Udah slow, enak lagi dibawa tidur heheh

Sebenernya entri yang satu ini juga baru indri baca dari blog orang lain. Dan indri tertarik buat nyalin tentang cinta segitiga. Sebenernya kalo diliat-liat, bagan yang bakal indri tampilin ini udah sering indri liat dibuku agama. Cuma yang bedanya di buku agama indri soal aku, keluarga dan ketaatan. Kalo di bagan yang ini aku, kamu, TUHAN. Ehmmm, jangan langsung berfikir negatif dulu about this entri yaaa ;)

Nah, nambahin sedikit, the bible says spesifically kalo God is love. Bisa dicari di 1 Yohanes 4:8, jadi kalo cinta itu emang udah Tuhan sendiri. Segala sesuatu dalam relationship kita harus based on Him, dan segala relationship yang kita punya should bring us closer to Him. The love triangle ini sebenernya works opposite way juga karena cinta yang ga mengarah kepada Tuhan bakal buat kita sendiri menjauh dari Tuhan and we'll end up grow apart from each other. Trust me on this one.

Kadang bodohnya kita, INDRI, adalah.. perasaan jalan duluan konfirmasi Tuhan dilupakan. Kalo udah gini teman-teman semua, apapun yang bakal kita jalanin ga bakal berhasil. Percaya aja udah. Jadi, dalam apapun, ga cuma pacaran, mau ngambil langkah apapun harus tetep berdoa terus. Kalo udah ada sinyal hijau dari Bos Besar baru deh dijalanin. Put God first each and everyday and He shall grant you your heart's desire and fulfill all your plans.

Kalo mau tau selengkapnya, tunggu aja di blog indri yaaaa :) SOoooo, survivors underwent a love triangle :D

Gbu xoxo IHMM

Rabu, 01 Juni 2011


Heyhoo and Syaloom all,

Thursday, 2 June 2011. I Just wanna say hello and WELCOME JUNE. Hahaha, udah lama banget nih indri gak ngupdate blog. Ya maklum lah, sekarang gak bisa sering" online lagi HAHAHA Ehmmm, tapi sebelumnya mau ngucapin HAPPY THANKSGIVING buat semuanya. Sebenernya bingung nih, nyebut Hari Kebangkitan Yesus apaaa. Hari Kematin Yesus/Jumat Agung disebut GREAT FRIDAY, Hari Yesus Bangkit dari antara orang mati EASTER, sekarang setelah 40 hari Yesus Bangkit dan naik ke sorga kan namanya PENTAKOSTA tapi kalo di barat disebut apa ya ?!?!?!? HAHAH, yodahlah. Ntar aja kalo kita ke USA baru kita cari tauuu deh hehehe :p

Hari ini indri sukacita banget abis pulang dari gereja. Apalagi Tuhan nyampein isi hatiNYA melalui pendeta yang lucu banget. Hahaha, ya Tuhan berkati pendeta itu dan keluarganya. Biarlah dia berlimpah berkat dan roh kudus daripadaMU, ampuni dia jika salah-salah ngomong HAHAH pokoknya hari ini mantaaapp lah dari gereja. Bener-bener dapat sukacita, dapat berkatt. Cuma yang buat sedih ada aja iblis yang ngegoda buat emosi. Ya Tuhan, ini bulan yang baru lagi. Bantu aku lagi yaaa Tuhan untuk dapat kuat dari segalanya dan ngandelin Engkau disetiap langkahku AMIN


Gbu xoxo IHMM

Kamis, 21 April 2011

Hillsong United – Mighty To Save

Everyone needs compassion,
Love that's never failing;
Let mercy fall on me.

Everyone needs forgiveness,
The kindness of a Saviour;
The Hope of nations.

Saviour, He can move the mountains,
My God is Mighty to save,
He is Mighty to save.

Forever, Author of salvation,
He rose and conquered the grave,
Jesus conquered the grave.

So take me as You find me,
All my fears and failures,
Fill my life again.

I give my life to follow
Everything I believe in,
Now I surrender.

My Saviour, He can move the mountains,
My God is Mighty to save,
He is Mighty to save.
Forever, Author of salvation,
He rose and conquered the grave,
Jesus conquered the grave.

Shine your light and let the whole world see,
We're singing for the glory of the risen King...Jesus (x2)

My Saviour, He can move the mountains,
My God is Mighty to save,
He is Mighty to save.
Forever, Author of salvation,
He rose and conquered the grave,
Jesus conquered the grave.

My Saviour, you can move the mountains,
You are mighty to save,
You are mighty to save.
Forever, Author of Salvation,
You rose and conquered the grave,
Yes you conquered the grave